NetLogo BehaviorSpace - Measure runs using reporters

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-23 15:43:13


In my NetLogo model my turtles are called inhabitants. each inhabitant has their own start opinion (initial_opinion) an a final opinion (final_opinion). Their opinion are calculated using random numbers so i want to run the model atleast 20 times when i change some parameters. Therefore i'm using the BehaviorSpace.

However, i have no idea how i get my values of these two variables in a spreadsheet. What code do i need to add in the box 'Measure runs using these reporters:'. I do not want to count my turtles since the number stays the same, and other commands I tried did not work. Anyone knows what to do?


I use something along these lines

[(list who inital_option final_opinion)] of inhabitants 

the spreadsheet will be assorted but that is easy to fix in post.

