I created a lambda function which upload data to snowflake. I installed a all requirements in folder and zipped along with my main python file. While running in AWS it shows an error:
no module found. Cryptography.hamtaz.bindings._constant_time.
But I have this module at specified path. I don't know why it shows an error. I don't know why the error is arise.
Here is the code:
main(event, context):
import snowflake.connector
cnx = snowflake.connector.connect( user='xxx', password='yyyyy', account='zzzz', database="db Name", schema = "schema Name" )
query = "SELECT * FROM Table_Name"
I faced same issue recently and found it is a problem with windows environment, try to create linux environment, install Python, packages, zip your code with all libraries and then throw back to AWS lambda, hopefully it will work.
i needed to set up a virtualenv for my lambda package to work. i also found pip install snowflake-connector-python did not install some cryptography libraries, although if i navigated to the directory i wanted them to be put in, adding --target . did cause those libraries to get installed.
For python 3.6, when I encountered the error "Unable to import module 'main': No module named '_cffi_backend'"
in an AWS Lambda Function, I was able to run mv _cffi_backend.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so _cffi_backend.so
in my linux docker image with virtualenv and the issue was resolved. Like mentioned above, some dependencies might be better placed with --target, to get them where you need them