I have a unit test where I try to verify that I have disposed of a document that was once attached to the main user interface. The unit test has to be async in that everything needs to be run under an STA thread and I have to await the user interface being created.
I have a helper that dispatches actions onto an STA thread.
I create the memory object in the main body of the test and then pass it to the async methods as below.
See the lines of code commented with ### to see the actual problem line. dotMemory is reporting that the object does not yet exist but I have already made an assertion proving that the object does exist.
( STA Helper classes can be found at https://gist.github.com/bradphelan/cb4f484fbf6a7f9829de0dd52036fd63 )
Is this a problem to do with async and dotMemory?
[Collection("Memory leaks")]
public class MemLeakSpec
public MemLeakSpec(ITestOutputHelper output)
[DotMemoryUnit(FailIfRunWithoutSupport = true)]
public void ShouldCollectProjectX()
dotMemory.Check (memory => { STAThread.Run(() => ShouldCollectProjectAsyncX(memory)).Wait(); });
class Document { }
class Container { public Document Document; };
Document CreateFoo() => new Document();
private async Task ShouldCollectProjectAsyncX(Memory memory)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));
Container container = new Container();
memory.GetObjects(@where => @where.Type.Is<Document>())
Document documentA = CreateFoo();
container.Document = documentA;
// Verify with dotMemory that the object exists.
// ### This fails even though I have verified
// ### the document exists
memory.GetObjects(@where => @where.Type.Is<Document>())
// Open a new project which should dispose the old one and thus
// remove any reference to GenericWeinCadFolder
container.Document = null;
memory.GetObjects(@where => @where.Type.Is<Document>())
I have created a synchronous version of the same above test and it doesn't fail. There are two tests below ShouldCollectAsync and ShouldCollectSync. The async one fails and the sync one passes.
[Collection("Memory leaks")]
public class MemLeakSpec
public MemLeakSpec(ITestOutputHelper output)
[DotMemoryUnit(FailIfRunWithoutSupport = true)]
public void ShouldCollectAsync()
dotMemory.Check (memory => { STAThread.Run(() => ShouldCollectProjectAsyncX(memory)).Wait(); });
/// This test is almost identical to the ShouldCollectAsync
/// but it passes
[DotMemoryUnit(FailIfRunWithoutSupport = true)]
public void ShouldCollectSync ()
dotMemory.Check (memory => { STAThread.Run(() => ShouldCollectProjectSync(memory)); });
class Document { }
class Container { public Document Document; };
Document CreateFoo() => new Document();
private async Task ShouldCollectProjectSync(Memory memory)
Container container = new Container();
memory.GetObjects(@where => @where.Type.Is<Document>())
Document documentA = CreateFoo();
container.Document = documentA;
// Verify with dotMemory that the object exists.
// #### Passes here
memory.GetObjects(@where => @where.Type.Is<Document>())
private async Task ShouldCollectProjectAsyncX(Memory memory)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));
Container container = new Container();
memory.GetObjects(@where => @where.Type.Is<Document>())
Document documentA = CreateFoo();
container.Document = documentA;
// Verify with dotMemory that the object exists.
// #### FAILS here
memory.GetObjects(@where => @where.Type.Is<Document>())
dotMemory Unit requires that all its method should be called from the "test" method. Think about that like there is a call dotMemoryUnit.TestStart at the very begin of ShouldCollectAsync and dotMemoryUnit.TestEnd on finish. You did not expose implementation of STAThread.Run, so I can't give more detailed advise, but the idea is to wait in the test method while you async routine is finished.