I added a decorator in a Eclipse/RCP application to my tree viewer items by plugin.xml:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.decorators">
label="ISA Topic decorator"
<objectClass name="sernet.verinice.model.samt.SamtTopic"/>
In the decorator class i set the decoration suffix which works fine:
public class TopicDecorator extends LabelProvider implements ILightweightLabelDecorator, {
ControlMaturityService maturityService = new ControlMaturityService();
public void decorate(Object element, IDecoration decoration) {
decoration.addSuffix( new StringBuilder().append(" [")
.append("]").toString() );
decoration.setForegroundColor(new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 150,90,90));
As you can see i also tried to set the foreground color of the suffic which has no effect. Suffix has the same color as the label in the tree: black.
How can i set the color of the decoration suffix?
I have just had success getting a different coloured text decoration using a wrapper class TreeElementDecoratingLabelProvider
for org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecoratingLabelProvider
public class TreeElementDecoratingLabelProvider extends DecoratingLabelProvider {
public TreeElementDecoratingLabelProvider(ILabelProvider provider, ILabelDecorator decorator) {
super(provider, decorator);
public Color getForeground(Object element) {
//return your color for element...
return Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_GRAY);
I have just had success getting a different coloured text decoration using a org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider that wrapps an IStyledLabelProvider
, and an ILabelDecorator
I think the key is the getStyledText
method of the LabelProvider
, that allows custom styling of the text
I guess you should try to change the order - set setForegroundColor() first and then add a suffix.
Hint: to not initialize any colour by yourself, you may use Display.getDefault().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_GREEN); Then you need to care about disposing of this colour - it's freed by the system.
Your decorator needs to implement org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IColorDecorator if it needs to provide various colors