Using find() in Active Record with multiple where clause

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-23 12:00:03


I want to divide (using brackets) following Active Record query in 3 groups. First group would be from first "Where" clause to last "orWhere". Second and third would be using "andWhere".

Please give me suggestions about how can I use brackets to separate all 3 sections.

$query = Book::find()
->where('book_name LIKE :book_name', array(':book_name' => 
->orWhere('book_category LIKE :book_category', array(':book_category' =>'%'.$category.'%'))
->orWhere('finance_subcategory LIKE :finance', array(':finance' => '%'.$category.'%'))
->orWhere('insurance_subcategory LIKE :insurance', array(':insurance' => '%'.$category.'%'))
->andWhere('address LIKE :address', array(':address' => '%'.$address.'%'))
->andWhere('status =:status', array(':status' => 'Enabled'))


Can be done like this:

$query = Book::find()
        ['like', 'book_name', $book_name],
        ['like', 'book_category', $category],
        ['like', 'finance_subcategory', $category],
        ['like', 'insurance_subcategory', $category],
    ->andWhere(['like', 'address', $address])
    ->andWhere(['status' => 'Enabled'])

I also refactored it for you so it looks more readable now. Don't use concatenation like that, it's not good practice.

See official docs.

