I am trying to use docker hub to automatically build something that builds fine locally. It fails saying:
Build process failed: stat /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/1be9db483fa6f3de2596b5261e7c450de8df503185e579278396f14ba179c257/bin/run.sh: not a directory
You can view the build itself here: https://hub.docker.com/r/zbyte64/rethinkdb-tlsproxy/builds/bjclhq33kgwxxvn6nbfsgyh/
is in the same directory as Dockerfile
, it seems the build path on dockerhub is different then where it stores the Dockerfile.
I have tried the following variations:
COPY run.sh /bin
ADD ./run.sh /bin
command (on Dockerhub's Docker version) expects the target file on the right hand side, not just the target directory. The following command should work for you even on Dockerhub.
COPY run.sh /bin/run.sh
Or if you want to use ADD, include the trailing slash.
ADD ./run.sh /bin/
What is actually happening? From https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#add : ADD src dest "If dest does not end with a trailing slash, it will be considered a regular file and the contents of src will be written at dest."
Without the trailing slash on /bin, it expects run.sh to be a directory being copied to directory /bin.
I don't know why, but dockerhub wants the first argument of COPY or ADD to be a directory - not a file. I am running Docker 1.9.1 locally and that is not the case. I switched the Dockerfile to copy a resource directory instead of individual files and things started to work.