I've got a Rails 3.1.3 application running on Heroku, utilizing S3 for asset hosting via asset_sync
. Included in my app/assets/css
directory is a subdirectory with two files: main.css.scss
and categories.css.scss
. I have the following line in my production.rb
config.assets.precompile += [ 'admin/main.css.scss', 'admin/categories.css.scss', 'print.css', 'products.css.scss', 'services.css.scss' ]
When I push to Heroku, all my assets are precompiled and uploaded with the exception of those two files. Do I need to perform some sort of dark magic to include those two files in the process?
Just type the filenames without scss and it will work fine.
config.assets.precompile += [ 'admin/main.css', 'admin/categories.css', 'print.css', 'products.css', 'services.css' ]