How to automaticaly publish files uploaded to a dataobject in Silverstripe model admin

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-23 09:27:51


In Silverstripe 4 a file that is uploaded must be published before it is visible to the public side of the site.

If I create a $Page with a $has_one Image::Class and then also assign that image to $owns[] the uploaded image will be published when I publish the page.

However If I create the following data object structure it will not.

Class Item extends DataObject{


Class Catalog extend DataObject{

    public function getCMSFields(){
        $fields = parent::getCMSFields();

        $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Items', GridField::create('Items', 'Items', $this->Items(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create()));

        return $fields;


If I create a catalog and within it create items with images and then save it, it will not publish the images that were uploaded. I will have to manually: 1. Select the image 2. Edit Original 3. Publish

There has to be an easier way for the user.


This is currently discussed on GitHub on multiple repositories.

The solution at the moment, is either publish the images manually in onAfterWrite, or version your DataObject, preferably via YML:

    - Versioned


Your dataobject needs to extend the Versioned extension. Pages already have this in the SiteTree object.

Class Item extends DataObject
    private static $has_one = [
        'ItemImage' => Image::Class,
        'Catalog' => 'Catalog'

    private static $owns = [

    private static $extensions = [
        Versioned::class . '.versioned'


The above doesn't actually work for a ModelAdmin, only for objects related to an object that already is 'Versioned' (like SiteTree).
If you want to this from a ModelAdmin you could add the following:

private static $versioned_gridfield_extensions = true;

Which will create a few buttons in your ModelAdmin. After you click publish, the File will publish too.

