LASSO with $\lambda = 0$ and OLS produce different results in R glmnet

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-23 07:02:14


I expect LASSO with no penalization ($\lambda=0$) to yield the same (or very similar) coefficient estimates as an OLS fit. However, I get different coefficient estimates in R putting the same data (x,y) into

  • glmnet(x, y , alpha=1, lambda=0) for LASSO fit with no penalization and
  • lm(y ~ x) for OLS fit.

Why is that?


You're using the function wrong. The x should be the model matrix. Not the raw predictor value. When you do that, you get the exact same results:

x <- rnorm(500)
y <- rnorm(500)
mod1 <- lm(y ~ x) 

xmm <- model.matrix(mod1)
mod2 <- glmnet(xmm, y, alpha=1, lambda=0)



I have run with the "prostate" example dataset of Hastie's book the next code:

out.lin1 = lm( lpsa ~ . , data=yy ) 
out.lin2 = glmnet( as.matrix(yy[ , -9]), yy$lpsa, family="gaussian", lambda=0, standardize=T  ) 

and the result of the coefficients are similar. When we use the standardize option the returned coefficients by glmnet() are in the original units of the input variables. Please, check you are using the "gaussian" family


I had the same problem, asked around to no avail, then I emailed the package maintainer (Trevor Hastie) who gave the answer. The problem occurs when series are highly correlated. The solution is to decrease the threshold in the glmnet() function call (rather than via glmnet.control()). The code below uses the built-in dataset EuStockMarkets and applies a VAR with lambda=0. For XSMI, the OLS coefficient is below 1, the default glmnet coefficient is above 1 with a difference of about 0.03, and the glmnet coefficient with thresh=1e-14 is very close to the OLS coefficient (a difference of 1.8e-7).

# Use built-in panel data with integrated series
selected_market <- 2

# Take logs for good measure
EuStockMarkets <- log(EuStockMarkets)

# Get dimensions
num_entities <- dim(EuStockMarkets)[2]
num_observations <- dim(EuStockMarkets)[1]

# Build the response with the most recent observations at the top
Y <- as.matrix(EuStockMarkets[num_observations:2, selected_market])
X <- as.matrix(EuStockMarkets[(num_observations - 1):1, ])

# Run OLS, which adds an intercept by default
ols <- lm(Y ~ X)
ols_coef <- coef(ols)

# run glmnet with lambda = 0
fit <- glmnet(y = Y, x = X, lambda = 0)
lasso_coef <- coef(fit)

# run again, but with a stricter threshold
fit_threshold <- glmnet(y = Y, x = X, lambda = 0, thresh = 1e-14)
lasso_threshold_coef <- coef(fit_threshold)

# build a dataframe to compare the two approaches
comparison <- data.frame(ols = ols_coef,
                         lasso = lasso_coef[1:length(lasso_coef)],
                         lasso_threshold = lasso_threshold_coef[1:length(lasso_threshold_coef)]
comparison$difference <- comparison$ols - comparison$lasso
comparison$difference_threshold <- comparison$ols - comparison$lasso_threshold

# Show the two values for the autoregressive parameter and their difference
comparison[1 + selected_market, ]

R returns:

           ols    lasso lasso_threshold  difference difference_threshold
XSMI 0.9951249 1.022945       0.9951248 -0.02782045         1.796699e-07


From glmnet help: Note also that for "gaussian", glmnet standardizes y to have unit variance before computing its lambda sequence (and then unstandardizes the resulting coefficients); if you wish to repro- duce/compare results with other software, best to supply a standardized y.

