MEAN-Stack save an array in MongoDB with mongoose

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-23 05:59:17


I am new to web development and I just ran into a problem I can't solve. I started with the MEAN-Stack so far and I encountered the following problem.

I have an array structure for a slider in my angular js Controller. From this array structure, I am trying to save a few values into my database.

Angular JS Controller snippet

$scope.alerts = [
    { id: 1,
      title: 'CustomerCount',
      value: 1,
      weight: 30,
      options: {
        showTicks: true,
        hidePointerLabels: true,
        hideLimitLabels: true,
        stepsArray: [
            { value: 1, legend: '<10' },
            { value: 2, legend: '<50' },
            { value: 3, legend: '<250' },
            { value: 4, legend: '<500' },
            { value: 5, legend: '>500' }

    { id: 2,
      title: 'CustomerSatisfaction',
      value: 3,
      weight: 40,
      options: {
        showTicks: true,
        hidePointerLabels: true,
        hideLimitLabels: true,
        stepsArray: [
            { value: 1, legend: '<10' },
            { value: 2, legend: '<50' },
            { value: 3, legend: '<250' },
            { value: 4, legend: '<500' },
            { value: 5, legend: '>500' }


From the above snippet, I'd like to save the title, the value and the weight of each alert in alerts

For this purpose, I have in the same angular js controller the following snippet

  // Create new Article object
  var article = new Articles({
    title: this.title,
    alert: this.alert,

As far as I understand does this snippet create a new article entry in my database using the following schema defined in the server.model.js file

var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
  Schema = mongoose.Schema;

 * Article Schema
var ArticleSchema = new Schema({
  created: {
    type: Date,
  user: {
    type: Schema.ObjectId,
    ref: 'User'
  alert: [{ value: Number, weight: Number, title: String }]

mongoose.model('Article', ArticleSchema);

But my Problem now is that this only saves an empty array in MongoDB.

The solution presented below lead to the solution. It has to be noted that

var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
  Schema = mongoose.Schema;

 * Article Schema
var ArticleSchema = new Schema({
  created: {
    type: Date,
  user: {
    type: Schema.ObjectId,
    ref: 'User'
  alerts: []

  // Create new Article object
  var article = new Articles({
    title: this.title,
    alerts: this.alerts,

Delivered the wanted solution!


Change your schema to this and it should work:

var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
  Schema = mongoose.Schema;

 * Article Schema
var ArticleSchema = new Schema({
  created: {
    type: Date,
  user: {
    type: Schema.ObjectId,
    ref: 'User'
  alert: []

mongoose.model('Article', ArticleSchema);

I managed to save arrays in mongodb by just specifying [] in the schema and then you can save multiple objects in the array.


You need to call the save method on the Article schema. Only then the article is saved

var article = new Articles({
 title: this.title,
 alert: this.alert,
});, doc){
    // Article saved! "doc" is the reference
    console.error('Error on saving the article');

Here is the mongoose save documentation for reference


If You are using MEAN then Saving data comes on server which is handle on Express, Mongodb(Mongoose) and Nodejs.

I am assuming that you are using Meanjs of yo

First you need to make a route where which is called by your angular $http ajax Route: article.server.route.js

 // Articles collection routes

Controller: article.server.controller.js

exports.create = function (req, res) {
  var article = new Article(req.body);
  article.user = req.user; (err) {
    if (err) {
      return res.status(400).send({
        message: err
    } else {

