I am learning cElementTree and my XML looks like this.... I am trying to obtain the "updated" text ( which I can! ) and the attribute value of "href" in the "link" node ( which I can't ).
<link href="http://www.mondocars.com/0001127602.htm"/>
My code to parse it looks like this...
for entry in root.findall('entry'):
updated = entry.find('updated').text
print updated
for link in root.findall('link'):
href = link.get('href').attrib
print updated, href
href value isn't being pulled at all. I am convinced that it's probably an unnecessary 2nd for loop. updated populates fine but I can't figure out how to get the href value. Anyone encounter this?
Many thanks in advance. Janie
for entry in root.findall('entry'):
updated = entry.find('updated').text
href = entry.find('link').attrib.get('href')
print updated,href
is the correct way.