Angular 7 - How to read service side validations from Object using Template Driven?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-23 04:52:52


I am using Angular 7 Template Driven Form validations. I already went thru link:, but I did not find any working solution to read Service Side Validation/Error message.

Details I took from error in ts file: fieldErrors is having errors for all fields which failed to validate service side validations.

handleError(error: any) {
    if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
      if (error.error.fieldErrors) {
        this.fieldErrors = error.error.fieldErrors;
        console.log('FIELD_ERRORS', this.fieldErrors);

On UI console, I'm getting below error messages on form from Service Side (i.e Spring Boot Services)

code: "Size"
field: "studentName"
message: "Length of characters should be between 1 to 255"
resource: "studentDto"
__proto__: Object
code: "NotBlank"
field: "studentName"
message: "Program Name is mandatory"
resource: "studentDto"
__proto__: Object
code: "NotBlank"
field: "studentDesc"
message: "Student Description is mandatory"
resource: "studentDto"
__proto__: Object
length: 3

Now on HTML form on each respective field I want to read these "messages" and shoe the details, how can I do that ?

<div class="awr-input">
    <label class="awr-inputbox-label">
        Student Name
        <span class="awr-required"><span aria-hidden="true">*</span></span>
    <div class="input-container">
        <input type="text" id="" class="input-box" aria-required="true" minlength="0" maxlength="255"
            autocomplete="off" width="0" min="3" max="100" step="" [(ngModel)]="program.programName"
            name="studentName" required #studentName="ngModel">
    <div *ngIf="studentName.invalid && (studentName.dirty || studentName.touched)" class="awr-error awr-required">
        <div *ngIf="studentName.errors.required">Student Name is mandatory</div>
    <div *ngIf="????? - What to write here from Server side validations??" class="awr-error awr-required">


Here is the stackblitz :

For the code :

input = 'test';
@ViewChild('inputRef', { static: true }) inputRef: NgModel;

setErrors() {
  this.inputRef.control.setErrors({ some: 'error' });

Simply get a view child ref of your control / form, then set its errors


if (err instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
                  const validationErrors = err.error.message;
                  if (err.status === 401) {
                    Object.keys(validationErrors).forEach(prop => {
                      const formControl = this.addFormGroup.get(prop);
                      if (formControl) {
                          serverError: validationErrors[prop],

As shown above you need to setError for each formControl of your FormGroup

