hi I am new to this android programming .I have included actionbarsherlock in my project. I want to add a bottom bar to my all activities in common. Can anyone suggest me agood tutorial for creating a bottom bar
Well, I've just seen that ActionBarSherlock is actually implemented with Fragments, so you have two options:
- Use ActionBarSherlock. In this case I would follow the tutorial http://actionbarsherlock.com/usage.html and look at samples described in http://actionbarsherlock.com/samples.html
- Implement your own bar using Fragments, if you want to customize it more (or use it for other ends). In this case I would follow the tutorial http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html
As a general tip, I recommend the site http://www.vogella.com/android.html. It has great tutorials about a wide range of subjects in Android programming.