JPA/JPQL: Fill a collection/map based on related object's collection/map? (prototype-like)

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-23 04:03:09


I have such structure of entities:

Product  1 -> N   ProductCustomField
  1                       1
  |                       |
  M                       M'
Release  1 -> N'  ReleaseCustomField

ProductCustomField is kind of "prototype" - a list of fields which Release may have.

I'd like to select a single Release object with all ReleaseCustomFields whose ProductCustomField are in the Product of which the Release is.


MySoft has custom field "downloadURL" with default value "". MySoft has release 1.0. This release has no ReleaseCustomFields, but because it is a release of MySoft, I can tell that it may have "downloadURL" custom field.

So I would like to have MySoft 1.0 release with a map where "downloadURL" would be defined (with a default value "").

I know what would I do in SQL, it would be a nice long complex SELECT, but possible.
I don't know though how to grasp it in JPA/Hibernate.

Not sure if this is the right thing to try to achieve in SELECT. Maybe I should rather fill the Release's custom fields with an INSERT and then simply rely on mapping (which already works)?
Or should I create a special property in Release, filled with special query? (I don't mind using org.hibernate.* annotations.)
Or should I do the simplest thing - take release.getProduct().getCustomFields() and do "for each field in ProductCustomField, use what's in ReleaseCustomField, or ProductCustomField#getDefault() otherwise?


I have chosen the third approach. Since I use the Wicket framework, I have created a Model which, given a release and release.getProduct.getCustomFields().get("fieldName") is capable of getting either default value, or the actual value, and when written to, updates releases' field values map.

I started getting IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class but that's most likely a different problem.

