I trained a simple mnist model with tensorflow 2.0 on Google Colab and saved it in the .json format. Click here to check out the Colab Notebook where I've written the code. Then on running the command
!simple_tensorflow_serving --model_base_path="/" --model_platform="tensorflow"
It is showing the error AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'gfile'
simple_tensorflow_serving helps in easily deploying trained tensorflow model into production.
Versions I'm using:
(1) TensorFlow - 2.0
(2) simple_tensorflow_serving - 0.6.4
Thank you in advance :)
Simple Tensorflow Serving is not ready for Tensorflow 2.0, since it is using the old API.
In Tensorflow 2.0 the gfile
package has been moved into tf.io
Then, you have to downgrade your Tensorflow instance to TF 1.13 use Simple Tensorflow Serving