I have a project/app in Firebase which is currently linked to it's corresponding AdMob app.
Unfortunately, a series of bizarre events has led to my AdMob account being inaccessible. My AdSense account is fine. (Actually, my AdMob account is still working it's just that I can't log into it).
AdSense/AdMob support have advised me that I need to delete my AdMob/AdSense accounts and then set up other accounts under a new email address.
However, in order to delete my AdMob account, I need to first remove the link between Firebase and AdMob, which isn't possible because I can't log into AdMob...
Would be grateful for any suggestions
Currently, linking and unlinking can only be done in AdMob after sign in to your account.
Maybe deleting your admob account can able to automatically unlink your firebase, but i'm not sure in that. So please concern with their team and stackoverflow is not a place to non coding related topics.