I would like to customize introductory overlay in my iOS app with appearance() method, but I can't find a class responsible for this overlay in API. Do anyone know how can I get an access to introductory overlay?
We currently don't expose the introductory overlay UI class so you can change the appearance. We have raised this with our engineering team.
Cast SDK v3 for iOS introduced GCKUIStyle. This allows you to customize appearance of all Cast Views without having a reference to any. As it contains pretty much all properties for customization.
For Introductory Overlay specifically
GCKUIStyle *castStyle = [GCKUIStyle sharedInstance];
// customize Introductory Overlay
GCKUIStyleAttributesInstructions *instructionsCtrlStyle = [[castStyle castViews] instructions];
[instructionsCtrlStyle setBackgroundColor:[UIColor darkGrayColor]];
[instructionsCtrlStyle setButtonTextColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
[castStyle applyStyle];