Is there any way to start/stop Instruments profiling programmatically ? I need to profile just a specific section of my OS X code in a reliable way but I can't seem to find any documentation for Instruments which might tell me how I might do this. With CHUD/Shark there was a programming API and a command line tool to support this but I don't see the equivalent for Instruments anywhere ? FWIW I found some old forum posts from around 2009 bemoaning the lack of Instruments functionality in this area but nothing more recent.
Yes. Look for DTPerformanceSession. It was introduced with Instruments 4.0. It was enhanced in Instruments 4.1.
Those documents provide this sample code:
CFStringRef process = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%d"), getpid());
CFErrorRef error = NULL;
DTPerformanceSessionRef session = DTPerformanceSessionCreate(NULL, process, NULL, &error);
DTPerformanceSessionAddInstrument(session, (CFStringRef)@DTPerformanceSession_TimeProfiler, NULL, NULL, &error);
CFMutableArrayRef instrumentIDs = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
CFArrayAppendValue(instrumentIDs, @DTPerformanceSession_TimeProfiler);
DTPerformanceSessionStart(session, instrumentIDs, &error);
// do something in your app
DTPerformanceSessionStop(session, instrumentIDs, &error);
DTPerformanceSessionSave(session, (CFStringRef)@"/tmp/myAppProfile", &error);
DTPerformanceSessionDispose(session, &error);