Expose Http Response time in Mule ESB

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-23 02:22:02


Is there any way to get the response time of an endpoint in MULE? Example is the Http Connector in mule, I need to get the response time of the invoked endpoint.


I was able to solve my problem by using Mule Server Notification.

There is an interface MessageProcessorNotificationListener which can listen to PRE/POST invoke of a message processor.

I have achieved to get the response time of an message processor using the following code.

  long startTime;
 if (m.getAction() ==  MessageProcessorNotification.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_PRE_INVOKE) 
     startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 if (m.getAction() ==     MessageProcessorNotification.MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_POST_INVOKE) 
     long executionTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
     AbstractEndpoint ep = (AbstractEndpoint) proc;
     log.info("Http call to : "+ ep.getName() + " took " + executionTime + "ms response time");

Here is the response

Http call to : endpoint.http.google.com.80 took 224ms response time.


What you actually need to leverage to take some statistics around the endpoints are server notifications, please see the following documentation page:


Check out the endpoint notification.

