i want to get all the records in particular record type , but i got 1000 only. This is the code I used.
function getRecords() {
return nlapiSearchRecord('contact', null, null, null);
I need two codes.
1) Get whole records at a single time
2) Get the records page wise by passing pageindex as an argument to the getRecords [1st =>0-1000 , 2nd =>1000 - 2000 , ...........]
function getRecords(pageIndex) {
Thanks in advance
you can't get whole records at a time. However, you can sort results by internalid, and remember the last internalId of 1st search result and use an additional filter in your next search result.
var totalResults = [];
var res = nlapiSearchRecord('contact', null, null, new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid').setSort()) || [];
lastId = res[res.length - 1].getId();
copyAndPushToArray(totalResult, res);
while(res.length < 1000)
res = nlapiSearchRecord('contact', null, ['internalidnumber', 'greaterthan', lastId], new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid').setSort());
copyAndPushToArray(totalResult, res);
lastId = res[res.length - 1].getId();
Beware, if the number of records are high you may overuse governance limit in terms of time and usage points.
If you remember the lastId you can write a logic in RESTlet to take id as param and then use that as additional filter to return nextPage.
You can write a logic to get nth pageresult but, you might have to run search uselessly n-1 times.
Also, I would suggest to use nlapiCreateSearch().runSearch()
as it can return up to 4000 records
Here is another way to get more than 1000 results on a search:
function getItems() {
var columns = ['internalid', 'itemid', 'salesdescription', 'baseprice', 'lastpurchaseprice', 'upccode', 'quantityonhand', 'vendorcode'];
var searchcolumns = [];
for(var col in columns) {
searchcolumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn(columns[col]));
var search = nlapiCreateSearch('item', null, searchcolumns);
var results = search.runSearch();
var items = [], slice = [], i = 0;
do {
slice = results.getResults(i, i + 1000);
for (var itm in slice) {
var item = {};
for(var col in columns) { item[columns[col]] = slice[itm].getValue(columns[col]); } // convert nlobjSearchResult into simple js object
} while (slice.length >= 1000);
return items;