I installed pyHook and successfully attached handlers to keyboard events, but now I need to find out whether the user is typing in English layout or other layouts. I couldn't find this information in the event objects.
How do I find on windows what the typing language in the focused window is? I tried playing with GetKeyboardLayout with no success (it always return the same value whether I type in English or in a different language - in my case Hebrew).
Solved thanks to BrendanMcK's reference.
Python code:
from ctypes import windll, c_ulong, byref, sizeof, Structure
user32 = windll.user32
class RECT(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("left", c_ulong),
("top", c_ulong),
("right", c_ulong),
("bottom", c_ulong)];
class GUITHREADINFO(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("cbSize", c_ulong),
("flags", c_ulong),
("hwndActive", c_ulong),
("hwndFocus", c_ulong),
("hwndCapture", c_ulong),
("hwndMenuOwner", c_ulong),
("hwndMoveSize", c_ulong),
("hwndCaret", c_ulong),
("rcCaret", RECT)
def get_layout():
guiThreadInfo = GUITHREADINFO(cbSize=sizeof(GUITHREADINFO))
user32.GetGUIThreadInfo(0, byref(guiThreadInfo))
dwThread = user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(guiThreadInfo.hwndCaret, 0)
return user32.GetKeyboardLayout(dwThread)
Check this answer to a similar question; seems you need to use GetGUIThreadInfo to determine the current active thread on the desktop, and then pass that to GetKeyboardLayout.