How to pass properly a lens into a function with state? Let us consider the next code:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
data Game = Game { _armies :: [Army]
} deriving (Show)
data Army = Army { _troops :: Int
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Game
makeLenses ''Army
data BattleResult = Win | Defeat deriving (Show)
offend offender defender = do
Just ot <- preuse $ offender.troops
Just dt <- preuse $ defender.troops
defender.troops.=0 -- doesn't work
let eval a b
| a >= b = return Win
| otherwise = return Defeat
eval ot dt
game :: State Game ()
game = do
armies %= (:) (Army 100)
armies %= (:) (Army 200)
q <- offend (armies.ix 0) (armies.ix 1)
return ()
The marked line leads to the next error:
Couldn't match type ‘Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) s’
with ‘Identity s’
Expected type: (Army -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Army)
-> s -> Identity s
Actual type: (Army -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Army)
-> s -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) s
Relevant bindings include
defender :: (Army -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Army)
-> s -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) s
(bound at Lens.hs:18:17)
offender :: (Army -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Army)
-> s -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) s
(bound at Lens.hs:18:8)
offend :: ((Army -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Army)
-> s -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) s)
-> ((Army -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Army)
-> s -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) s)
-> m BattleResult
(bound at Lens.hs:18:1)
In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘defender’
In the first argument of ‘(.=)’, namely ‘defender . troops’
Couldn't match type ‘Identity Integer’
with ‘Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Int’
Expected type: (Int -> Identity Integer)
-> Army -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Army
Actual type: (Int -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Int)
-> Army -> Const (Data.Monoid.First Int) Army
In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘troops’
In the first argument of ‘(.=)’, namely ‘defender . troops’
If replace the line with something like armies.ix 0.troops.=0
the code is normally compiled. Are there some standard tools to walk around the problem? And could the same algorithm be implemented without using FlexibleContexts
Just use type signatures!
What's going on here: if you don't supply a signature, GHC will only be able to infer a Rank-1 type†. In this example, you're using defender.troops
as a getter‡; the compiler therefore infers a getter type for defender
. This is the ugly thing in the error message with Const
in it.
However, you also want to use it as a setter. This is only possible if defender
is polymorphic (so you can use an Identity
functor instead of Const
), and for an argument to be polymorphic you need Rank-2 polymorphism.
You don't really need to worry about this kind of category-theory magic though, since the lens library supplies easy to use synonyms. Just write the signature as you should always do anyway,
offend :: Traversal' Game Army -> Traversal' Game Army -> State Game BattleResult
and you get the proper polymorphic arguments. Ah, and of course you need the -XRankNTypes
extension. -XFlexibleContexts
is actually not required (it is completely harmless though, no reason not to use it).
†Hindley-Milner is quite a marvel anyway if you ask me, but it only works because there's a well-defined most general possible signature for any expression. This is only the case for Rank-1 code though: with Rank-N, you could always toss in yet another layer of universal quantification. The compiler can't know when to end this!
‡Actually a Getting
, which is a traversal-getter. The difference beteween Getter
and Getting
is that the latter can be partial (which is necessary because you use ix
; the compiler can't prove there is actually an element at index 1 in the armies list).