How would I count how many nodes a tree has?
;;; A Binary is one of:
;;; - Number
;;; - (make-node BT BT)
(define-struct node (left right))
(define tree1 (make-node (make-node 10 9)
(make-node 3
(make-node 1 5))))
(define (how-many? nd)
[(number? nd)....]
[(node? n)
(..... (how-many? (node-left nd))
(how-many? (node-right nd)))]))
so for tree1 I should get
(check-expect (how-many? tree1) 5)
I think I got the template right. If it's a number, you should return 1
. But if it's a node
, what type of function should I put in the dotted lines?
This is somewhat similar to how you'd process a list. The difference? that now you'll go to the "left" and to the "right" of each node, instead of going just to the "rest". Other than that, the same ideas apply:
(define (how-many? nd)
[(number? nd) <???>] ; if it's a leaf, then how many numbers does it have?
[(node? nd)
(<???> (how-many? (node-left nd)) ; how do we combine the results?
(how-many? (node-right nd)))]))
You got the base case right, as I can see in the question. The recursive case is simple! remember, how did we combine the results when we were adding the elements in a list? here's the same thing, it's just that we combine the results from the left and from the right subtrees.