Suppose I have :items with a has_many association with :properties, then I can search for all items that have a property with name 'a_name' and value 'a_value' like this
q: { properties_name_eq: 'a_name', properties_value_eq: 'a_value' }
Now what if I want to search for all items that have a property with name 'a_name' and value 'a_value' and also a property with name 'another_name' and value 'another_value'?
The following doesn't work as it joins the properties table only once
q: {
g: {
'0' => { properties_name_eq: 'a_name', properties_value_eq: 'a_value' },
'1' => { properties_name_eq: 'another_name', properties_value_eq: 'another_value'}
The generated SQL looks something like this
SELECT DISTINCT "items".* FROM "items"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "properties" ON "properties"."item_id" = "items"."id"
INNER JOIN ((SELECT "items".* FROM "items")) AS sel_111 on sel_111.id
(("properties"."name" = 'a_name' AND "properties"."value" = 'a_value') AND ("properties"."name" = 'another_name' AND "properties"."value" = 'another_value'))
To make it more clear what I am after, I'll paste a spec below.
Item.create name: 'ab', properties_attributes: [{ name: 'a', value: 'a1'}, {name: 'b', value: 'b1'}]
Item.create name: 'a', properties_attributes: [{ name: 'a', value: 'a1'}]
Item.create name: 'b', properties_attributes: [{name: 'b', value: 'b1'}]
Item.create name: 'ax', properties_attributes: [{ name: 'a', value: 'a1'}, {name: 'b', value: 'x'}]
Item.create name: 'bx', properties_attributes: [{ name: 'a', value: 'x'}, {name: 'b', value: 'b1'}]
Item.create name: 'other', properties_attributes: [{ name: 'other', value: '123'}]
get :index, q: { properties_name_eq: 'a', properties_value_eq: 'a1' }
names = JSON.parse(response.body).map{|u| u['name']}
expect(names).to match_array ['ab', 'a', 'ax'] # OK!
get :index,
q: {
m: 'or',
g: {
'0' => { properties_name_eq: 'a', properties_value_eq: 'a1' },
'1' => { properties_name_eq: 'b', properties_value_eq: 'b1'}
names = JSON.parse(response.body).map{|u| u['name']}
expect(names).to match_array ['ab'] #FAILS!
Just use Model.search(params[:q].try(:merge, m: 'or'))
, using your example:
q: {
m: 'or',
g: {
'0' => { properties_name_eq: 'a_name', properties_value_eq: 'a_value' },
'1' => { properties_name_eq: 'another_name', properties_value_eq: 'another_value'}
You can find more information here
You need an or
at the where level of your query, because properties.name can't be equal 'a_name' and 'another_name' at the same time. A second alias for the table is not required.
You can solve this by using multiple queries.
- For each name + value property, get all item IDs with this property
- Intersect the resulting IDs for each property into
- In the final query on :items, add the clause
WHERE id IN (item_ids)
Here's a code example that does steps 1 & 2:
def property_item_ids(conditions)
conditions.inject([]) do |result, (key, condition)|
result.method(result.empty? ? '+' : '&').(Property.ransack(m: "and", g: condition).pluck(:item_id).to_a)
Get the item IDs that have all properties:
conditions = {
'0' => { properties_name_eq: 'a', properties_value_eq: 'a1' },
'1' => { properties_name_eq: 'b', properties_value_eq: 'b1'}
item_ids = property_item_ids(conditions)
For step 3, invoke ransack with item_ids
q: {
m: 'and',
g: {
'0' => { item_id_in: item_ids }