AutoMapper with a list data from IDataReader

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-22 17:54:15


using (IDataReader dr = DatabaseContext.ExecuteReader(command))
            if (dr.Read())
                AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<IDataReader, ProductModel>();
                return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<IDataReader, IList<ProductModel>>(dr);
            return null;

if dr has only one row -> error: threw an exception of type 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException'

if dr has more than one row, it run ok.

any help?


The problem is that Automapper is calling Read() as well - so is trying to always look at the second record onwards. If you think about it if you have 1000 rows in the reader - how is AutoMapper going to convert that to a list without iterating through them all calling Read()?

Change your line to call HasRows


using (IDataReader dr = DatabaseContext.ExecuteReader(command))
        if (dr.HasRows)
            AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<IDataReader, ProductModel>();
            return AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<IDataReader, IList<ProductModel>>(dr);

        return null;


Add AutoMapper.Net4 and add the mappers ahead of CreateMap as below:

    MapperRegistry.Mappers.Add(new DataReaderMapper());
    MapperRegistry.Mappers.Add(new NameValueCollectionMapper());
    MapperRegistry.Mappers.Add(new HashSetMapper());
    MapperRegistry.Mappers.Add(new ListSourceMapper());
    MapperRegistry.Mappers.Add(new TypeConverterMapper());

