How to get multiple key value from IndexedDb objectstore

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-22 12:18:14


Can somebody suggest how to get multiple key value from IndexedDB objectstore ? I have done multiple options, but didn't work none. Created indexedDb here

$provide.value('dbModel', {
        name: 'TestDB',
        version: '1',
        instance: {},
        objectStoreName: {
            dashboards: 'Appointment'
        upgrade: function (e) {
            var db =;
            if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('Appointment')) {
                var calendarobj = db.createObjectStore('Appointment', {
                    keyPath: 'AppointmentId'
                calendarobj.createIndex("AppointmentId", "AppointmentId", { multiEntry: true });

And the Data looks like

KeyPath-AppointmentId             Value
=====================             =====
1                                 Test 1
2                                 Test 2
3                                 Test 3

I have getObjectStore method to get the objectstorename instance.

getObjectStore: function (objectStoreName, mode) {
            var modeact = mode || _db.transactionTypes.readonly;
            var txn = _db.instance.transaction(objectStoreName, modeact);
            var store = txn.objectStore(objectStoreName);

            return store;

var keys = [1,2]; // Want to get the First two record which has value 'Test 1' and 'Test 2'
var store = _db.getObjectStore(objectStoreName);
var tagIndex = store.index(store.keyPath); //AppointmentId

var request = tagIndex.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(keys));
//var request = tagIndex.get(keys);

request.onsuccess = function (event) {


Using [1, 2] as you do won't work - that's a key which happens to be an array with two members. Indexed DB currently doesn't understand using lists or sets of keys for querying.

You have a handful of options:

1 - Issue two get requests in parallel. (Since the order is guaranteed, the second request will finish after the first and you know both results will have been returned.)

var results = [];
store.get(1).onsuccess = function(e) {
store.get(2).onsuccess = function(e) {

  // results will have the values

2 - Use a cursor and a range:

var results = [];
store.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.bound(1, 2)).onsuccess = function(e) {
  var cursor =;
  if (cursor) {
  } else {
    // results will have the values

3 - Use getAll with a range (newer browsers only - fall back to a cursor if not available)

store.getAll(IDBKeyRange.bound(1, 2)).onsuccess = function(e) {
  // will have the entries

Note that in options 2 and 3 which use a range you would also get a records with a key of 1.5 if one existed.

