I downloaded C++ libJSON from this link:
And they suggest me to use it as a library. How can I create library using the code they have provided?
you must have installed g++ and make in console/terminal just compile it type make
, it will produce libjson.a
which is static libary. When you create you C/C++ program you can link it with it g++ -l libjson.a
and in your code include libJSON.h header file.
#include "libJSON.h"
and you can use all functions from that header file.
On windows you must Install MinGW (GNU utilities for Windows), or IDE like DevC++ or Code::Blocks (Code::Blocks use MinGW). You can also use Cygwin unix like environment for windows (but when you compile file in cygwin you can run it only in Cygwin)
In Code::Blocks when you create project you can set additinal library which will be linked with your executable.
i was trying to compile libjson 7.6.1 for Visual Studio 2010. And was facing some difficulties in compiling it. What i did was
- Download Libjson
- open libjson.vcproj and goto line 240. You will find a missing ">". Type it in and save the file.
- Now this can be used to build dynamic and static lib.
A simple thing wasted my couple of hours. Hope it saves some of yours.
This solution also works for more recent versions of Visual studio (e.g. 2015) which otherwise fail to complete the conversion to the mare recent project format.