IVY - Set the default transitive value

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-22 08:50:12


How do you override the defalut value of transitive in IVY?


I'm assuming that you don't want ivy to download the transient dependencies of a dependency declaration in your ivy.xml file?

Option 1: Transitive parameter (ivy.xml)

<dependency org="foo" name="bar" revision="3.0" transitive="false"/>

Option 2: Configuration mapping (ivy.xml)

If the bar module is held in a Maven repository then mapping the default configuration to the master scope will omit other dependencies

<dependency org="foo" name="bar" revision="3.0" conf="default->master"/>

Option 3: Don't use information in POM files (ivysettings.xml)

When downloading from a maven repository setting the usepoms parameter to false will ignore the module's dependencies

<ibiblio name="maven" m2compatible="true" usepoms="false"/>


If you want to set transitive statements in your ant-task (your question really isn't that clear on this), you can use the transitive switch directly (default is "true"):

<ivy:resolve ... transitive="false" />

