In Internet Explorer this line document.getElementById("left").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].innerHTML = document.getElementById("left").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].innerHTML + string;
is giving me a SCRIPT600: Invalid target element for this operation. …character 10
The string is simply that which contains a set of tablerows. This works fine in Chrome, Safari or Firefox. Is there a better way of doing this? What I am doing is once the user gets to the bottom of the page I am appending tablerows into the table to load more content. It's a sort of AJAX infinite scrolling type of deal - client requested. I am using Javascript and would prefer to stay with Javascript at this point and not change to jQuery just for this task.
Update also the same with: document.getElementById("left").innerHTML = document.getElementById("left").innerHTML + string;
Also, left is <table id="left">
Yes you will need to wrap them first like this:
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "<table><tbody>" + string + "</tbody></table>";
Slightly different way for when you need to insert a table row at the end of the table. Your new code, e.g. a new <tr>
, should be in the variable called html
if (document.attachEvent) { //if using old IE
var currentTable = document.querySelector("#myTable");
var currentTableHTML = currentTable.outerHTML;
//replace closing tag with new code + closing tag
currentTableHTML = currentTableHTML.replace("</tbody>", html + "</tbody>";
//reinsert the table before some other element - you can use something else if you have a container for the table
document.querySelector("#someElement").insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", currentTableHTML);
else {
//use insertAdjacentHTML in a normal browser