Function to change blanks to NA

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-27 07:44:23


I'm trying to write a function that turns empty strings into NA. A summary of one of my column looks like this:

      a   b 
 12 210 468 

I'd like to change the 12 empty values to NA. I also have a few other factor columns for which I'd like to change empty values to NA, so I borrowed some stuff from here and there to come up with this:

# change nulls to NAs
nullToNA <- function(df){

  # split df into numeric & non-numeric functions
  a<-df[,sapply(df, is.numeric), drop = FALSE]
  b<-df[,sapply(df, Negate(is.numeric)), drop = FALSE]

  # Change empty strings to NA
  b<-b[lapply(b,function(x) levels(x) <- c(levels(x), NA) ),] # add NA level
  b<-b[lapply(b,function(x) x[x=="",]<- NA),]                 # change Null to NA

  # Put the columns back together
  d[, names(df)]

However, I'm getting this error:

> foo<-nullToNA(bar)  
Error in x[x == "", ] <- NA : incorrect number of subscripts on matrix  
Called from: FUN(X[[i]], ...)

I have tried the answer found here: Replace all 0 values to NA but it changes all my columns to numeric values.


You can directly index fields that match a logical criterion. So you can just write:

df[is_empty(df)] = NA

Where is_empty is your comparison, e.g. df == "":

df[df == ""] = NA

But note that is.null(df) won’t work, and would be weird anyway1. I would advise against merging the logic for columns of different types, though! Instead, handle them separately.

1 You’ll almost never encounter NULL inside a table since that only works if the underlying vector is a list. You can create matrices and data.frames with this constraint, but then is.null(df) will never be TRUE because the NULL values are wrapped inside the list).


How about just:

df[apply(df, 2, function(x) x=="")] = NA

Works fine for me, at least on simple examples.


This worked for me

    df[df == 'NULL'] <- NA


This is the function I used to solve this issue.

  for(i in 1:length(vector))
    if(vector[i]== ""){new_vector[i]=NA}else if([i])) 

Just plug in the column or vector you are having an issue with.

