How to Fetch Serial Number from Android Mobile Browser using Java Scripting which will be from web application source running in mobile browser [closed]

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-22 04:10:56


I can able to find UniqueId,Serial,IMEI,OS and IP Address from Android Mobile Native Application.

But, I could not able to find the above device information via mobile browser app, which will be from web application source running in mobile browser.

Note: I reffered many links, regarding this, they sugggest only able to fetch the device os type using UserAgent from mobile browser.

please Anyone help me to get out of this.

Thanks Advance


Due to security concerns IMEI, Serial number information is not exposed to Javascript running on the browser of mobile application. You can get OS, IP details from the request headers.


Using Cordova one can access native device functionality over javascript. With Cordova device plugin you can have most of the information, however to get IMEI one need to write a custom plugin or you can find plenty of examples on google.

If your requirement is to just uniquely identify your clients on all platform, getting unique ID will do the job and using Cordova you can call it from your own javascript.

