I have problem installing SwingX in my Netbeans IDE. I want to play with JXPanel and related components but i could not get right library and get it going.
I tried to download swingx.jar but there is no valid link available in internet. I somehow managed to download swingx-1.6.jar, swingx-beaninfo-0.9.7 and swingbean.jar. I imported these jar files into the new library i created "SwingX" using tools->library and after that went to tools->palette->Swing/AWT Components and added a new palette group called SwingX and added the created library (SwingX) into it. Now i get a block in my IDE as shown in the figure.
Picture 1
Then i added the library into my project which is shown in the picture 2 and when i tried to insert JXXollapsiblePane from the pallete group into a JFrame i am gettign the following error shown in picture3.
Picture 2
Picture 3
Add swingx-1.6.jar to your project instead of swingx-beaninfo-0.9.7