Sublime Text 2 - How to change the font size of the output panel?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-21 18:32:54


When I change the font size in Sublime Text 2 (via shortcuts / config), the font size of text in output panel AKA Build Results is changed too.

It would be convenient to have these font sizes separated. I tried to follow & adapt Sublime Text 2 how to change the font size of the file sidebar? and edited <theme name>.sublime-theme:

    "class": "output.exec",
    //"class": "output",
    //"class": "output_exec",
    //"class": "exec",
    //"parents": [{"class": "output"}],
    "font.size": 7.0

Output panel is named output.exec, but it doesn't work. Some other options I tried are commented out.

Probably I just need correct class name. I'm unable to find class list which are used in ST2.

Is it possible and if yes - how to change the font size?

It's already on wishlist:


Yes you can, this will however change the font-size for the console panel as well, so if that doesn't bother you then simply do this:

First create a file named Widget.sublime-settings under the Packages\User directory.

Second write the following in that file:

    "font_size": 7

Now you're good to go!

