How to check for Request Scope availability in Spring?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-21 07:30:07


I'm trying to setup some code that will behave one way if spring's request scope is available, and another way if said scope is not available.

The application in question is a web app, but there are some JMX triggers and scheduled tasks (i.e. Quartz) that also trigger invocations.


 * This class is a spring-managed singleton
class MySingletonBean{

     * This bean is always request scoped
    private MyRequestScopedBean myRequestScopedBean; 

    /* can be invoked either as part of request handling
       or as part of a JMX trigger or scheduled task */
    public void someMethod(){
        if(/* check to see if request scope is available */){
            //do something else

Assuming myRequestScopedBean is request scoped.

I know this can be done with a try-catch around the invocation of myRequestScopedBean, e.g.:

 * This class is a spring-managed singleton
class MySingletonBean{

     * This bean is always request scoped
    private MyRequestScopedBean myRequestScopedBean; 

    /* can be invoked either as part of request handling
       or as part of a JMX trigger or scheduled task */
    public void someMethod(){
        }catch(Exception e){
            //do something else

but that seems really clunky, so I'm wondering if anyone knows of an elegant Spring way to interrogate something to see if request-scoped beans are available.

Many thanks!


You can use the if check described here

SPRING - Get current scope

if (RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes() != null) 
    // request thread

instead of catching exceptions. Sometimes that looks like the simplest solution.


You can inject a Provider<MyRequestScopedBean> and catch the exception when calling the get method but you should rethink your design. If you feel strongly about it you should probably have two beans with different qualifier


On second thought, if you are using java configuration, @Scope("prototype") your @Bean method and make your decision there, you can get a handle on request context via RequestContextHolder if available. But I strongly recommend you rethink your design

