Speed up csv import

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-21 05:06:25


I want to import big amount of cvs data (not directly to AR, but after some fetches), and my code is very slow.

def csv_import 
    require 'csv'
    file = File.open("/#{Rails.public_path}/uploads/shate.csv")
    csv = CSV.open(file, "r:ISO-8859-15:UTF-8", {:col_sep => ";", :row_sep => :auto, :headers => :first_row})

    csv.each do |row|
      #ename,esupp= row[1].split(/_/) 
      #(ename,esupp,foo) = row[1]..split('_')
      abrakadabra = row[0].to_s()
      (ename,esupp) = abrakadabra.split(/_/)
      eprice = row[6]
      eqnt = row[1]
      # logger.info("1) ")
      # logger.info(ename)
      # logger.info("---")
      # logger.info(esupp)
      #ename = row[4]
      #eprice = row[7]
      #eqnt = row[10]
      #esupp = row[12]

        if ename.present? && ename.size>3
        search_condition = "*" + ename.upcase + "*"     

        if esupp.present?
          #supplier = @suppliers.find{|item| item['SUP_BRAND'] =~ Regexp.new(".*#{esupp}.*") }
          supplier = Supplier.where("SUP_BRAND like ?", "%#{esupp}%").first
          logger.warn("!!! *** supp !!!")

        if supplier.present?

          @search = ArtLookup.find(:all, :conditions => ['MATCH (ARL_SEARCH_NUMBER) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)', search_condition.gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z]/, '')])
          @articles = Article.find(:all, :conditions => { :ART_ID => @search.map(&:ARL_ART_ID)})
          @art_concret = @articles.find_all{|item| item.ART_ARTICLE_NR.gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z]/, '').include?(ename.gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z]/, '')) }

          @aa = @art_concret.find{|item| item['ART_SUP_ID']==supplier.SUP_ID} #| @articles
          if @aa.present?
            @art = Article.find_by_ART_ID(@aa)

          if @art.present?
            @art.PRICEM = eprice
            @art.QUANTITYM = eqnt
            @art.datetime_of_update = DateTime.now



Even if I delete and get only this, it is slow.

def csv_import 
    require 'csv'
    file = File.open("/#{Rails.public_path}/uploads/shate.csv")
    csv = CSV.open(file, "r:ISO-8859-15:UTF-8", {:col_sep => ";", :row_sep => :auto, :headers => :first_row})

    csv.each do |row|

Could anybody help me increase the speed using fastercsv?


I don't think it will get much faster.

That said, some testing shows that a significant part of time is spent for the transcoding (about 15% for my test case). So if you could skip that (e.g. by creating the CSV in UTF-8 already) you would see some improvement.

Besides, according to ruby-doc.org the "primary" interface for reading CSVs is foreach, so this should be preferred:

def csv_import
  import 'csv'
  CSV.foreach("/#{Rails.public_path}/uploads/shate.csv", {:encoding => 'ISO-8859-15:UTF-8', :col_sep => ';', :row_sep => :auto, :headers => :first_row}) do | row |
    # use row here...


You could also try splitting the parsing into several threads. I reached some performance increase experimenting with this code (treatment of heading left out):

N = 10000
def csv_import
  all_lines = File.read("/#{Rails.public_path}/uploads/shate.csv").lines
  # parts will contain the parsed CSV data of the different chunks/slices
  # threads will contain the threads
  parts, threads = [], []
  # iterate over chunks/slices of N lines of the CSV file
  all_lines.each_slice(N) do | plines |
    # add an array object for the current chunk to parts
    parts << result = []
    # create a thread for parsing the current chunk, hand it over the chunk 
    # and the current parts sub-array
    threads << Thread.new(plines.join, result) do  | tsrc, tresult |
      # parse the chunk
      parsed = CSV.parse(tsrc, {:encoding => 'ISO-8859-15:UTF-8', :col_sep => ";", :row_sep => :auto})
      # add the parsed data to the parts sub-array
  # wait for all threads to finish
  # merge all the parts sub-arrays into one big array and iterate over it
  parts.flatten(1).each do | row |
    # use row (Array)

This splits the input into chunks of 10000 lines and creates a parsing thread for each of the chunks. Each threads gets handed over a sub-array in the array parts for storing its result. When all threads are finished (after threads.each(&:join)) the results of all chunks in parts are joint and that's it.


As it's name implies Faster CSV is Well Faster :)


also see. for some more info

Ruby on Rails Moving from CSV to FasterCSV


I'm curious how big the file is, and how many columns it has.

Using CSV.foreach is the preferred way. It would be interesting to see the memory profile as your app is running. (Sometimes the slowness is due to printing, so make sure you don't do more of that than you need)

You might be able to preprocess it, and exclude any row that doesn't have the esupp, as it looks like your code only cares about those rows. Also, you could truncate any right-side columns you don't care about.

Another technique would be to gather up the unique components and put them in a hash. Seems like you are firing the same query multiple times.

You just need to profile it and see where it's spending its time.


check out the Gem smarter_csv! It can read CSV files in chunks, and you can then create Resque jobs to further process and insert those chunks into a database.


