Im Looking for a simple solution to stop a login form from submitting with empty input fields. The code for the form is below. I would like to use a simple Javascript soluiton if possible.
<form id="login" method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" />
<input type="password" name="pwd" id="pwd" />
<button type="submit" id="submit">Login</button>
If possible I would also like to change the border of the empty field(s).
Thanks in advance.
Sample code with dummy checks:
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkForm(form) {
var mailCheck = checkMail(form.elements['email']),
pwdCheck = checkPwd(form.elements['pwd']);
return mailCheck && pwdCheck;
function checkMail(input) {
var check = input.value.indexOf('@') >= 0;
input.style.borderColor = check ? 'black' : 'red';
return check;
function checkPwd(input) {
var check = input.value.length >= 5;
input.style.borderColor = check ? 'black' : 'red';
return check;
<style type="text/css">
#login input {
border: 2px solid black;
<form id="login" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return checkForm(this)">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" onkeyup="checkMail(this)"/>
<input type="password" name="pwd" id="pwd" onkeyup="checkPwd(this)"/>
<button type="submit" id="submit">Login</button>
Possible approach:
- setting action to
- adding handler to the submit button or the
of the form - change the action of the form, if text fields are not empty
Edit: To make this even work for non-javascript users insert the #
-action when page is loaded.
To keep it minimal I would just use:
<form id="login" method="post" action="" onSubmit="if (this.email.value == '' || this.pwd.value == '') {return false;}">
Granted - doesn't point out what's amiss to the user, but works a treat.