Error 403. Wamp Server

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-20 11:33:31


I have installed wamp server 2.2 I'm using windows 7

When I am online at that time i'm not able to find localhost using WaMp its giving me some Forbidden Error..You Don't have Access kind of error.

But when I disconnect my internet connection, I can get localhost..PHPmyadmin and all feature of WAMP server.

I tried a lot by changing the Apache httpd .conf to Replace All..."Deny all" to "Allow all"but still, i'm not able to get it online.


Putting server online in contect menu did not help me. If you are using Wamp server 2.2E you will find the lines in your httpd.conf file

#   onlineoffline tag - don't remove
Require local

Change them to to

#   onlineoffline tag - don't remove
Require all granted

This solved my problem.


Cut and paste:

Error 403 Forbidden with phpmyadmin and WAMP Server
Error 403
You do not have permission to access / on this server.

Edit the Apache configuration file httpd.conf and find the lines:

# onlineoffline tag - don't remove

Order deny, allow
Deny from all
Allow from

Change them to:

Order allow, deny
Allow from all 

It works.


You can change to ::1 or change Deny from all to Allow from all in the httpd.conf file. I have a blog about this error on Windows 8 at


You may also have a .htaccess file within your www directory which is causing this error. Be sure to check that.


Go to C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/host

find the "# localhost" line and uncomment it by removing the # sign

It is possible that you get an 'access denied' message even when you are logged in as an administrator.

To work around that, right click on your file editing software and click run as administrator.

You should be able to save the file then

Localhost should work just fine after that.


I tried solutions posted here, but did not work to get wamp 2.2 started on windows 8 machine. This link from wamp server forum solved issue. I needed to change "Listen 80" to "Listen" in httpd.conf file. This may be an issue specific to my machine but the solution worked like a charm.


just need put your wampserver online
in tray right-click on wamp icon and Put Online

