I have a DataTable
with column such as # of Students
and would like to sort by this in descending order. Here is my code:
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("# of Students", typeof(string)));
// do some stuff... add records etc.
// A runtime error occurs here: "Cannot find column '# of Students'"
var rows = dt.Select("","'# of Students' desc");
// this is just fine.
rows = dt.Select("","# of Students");
How can I access this column if has special characters in its name?
You should use [] brackets, like this :
var rows = dt.Select("","[# of Students] desc");
You can use both [] or `` syntax. Both following snippets are correct:
var rows = dt.Select("","`# of Students` desc");
var rows = dt.Select("","[# of Students] desc");