Is it possible to merge only specific files and just copy the unselected files? I.E. i want to resolve conflict in all files except *.hex *.s19 and *.out. in those files i want to take the .THIS file always (for example)
How i configure bazaar merge to be external and the builtin tool? i want to use the bcompare as my merge tool and not just as 4-way diff to resolve conflicts
i'm using beyond comapre software for resolving conflicts after merge. Today i simply run the bcompare.exe and then press launch in the resolve conflicts menu. can i run it with any parameters that i want? (i.E choose the center file as the . BASE file and configure the outut file name as the merged file)
thanks from advance Gil Idelson
I wonder if it perhaps make sense to file three different questions.
I'm not sure about 2) and 3) but for 1:
A partial merge is not possible. You should be able to do the merge anyway and then just use
bzr resolve --take-this **/*.hex **/*.s19 **/*.out
to take the local versions of those files.