Should I make a foreign key that can be null or make a new table?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-20 01:13:20


I have a small question concerning with how I should design my database. I have a table dogs for an animal shelter and I have a table owners. In the table dogs all dogs that are and once were in the shelter are being put. Now I want to make a relation between the table dogs and the table owners.

The problem is, in this example not all dogs have an owner, and since an owner can have more than one dog, a possible foreign key should be put in the table dogs (a dog can't have more than one owner, at least not in the administration of the shelter). But if I do that, some dogs (the ones in the shelter) will have null as a foreign key. Reading some other topics taught me that that is allowed. (Or I might have read some wrong topics)

However, another possibility is putting a table in between the two tables - 'dogswithowners' for example - and put the primary key of both tables in there if a dog has an owner.

Now my question is (as you might have guessed) what the best method is of these two and why?


The only solution that is in keeping with the principles of the Relational Model is the extra table.

Moreover, it's hard to imagine how you are going to find any hardware that is so slow that the difference in performance when you start querying, is going to be noticeable. After all, it's not a mission-critical tens-of-thousands-of-transactions-per-second appliation, is it ?


I agree with Philip and Erwin that the soundest and most flexible design is to create a new table.

One further issue with the null-based approach is that different software products disagree over how SQL's nullable foreign keys work. Even many IT professionals don't understand them properly so the general user is even less likely to understand it.


The nullable foreign key is a typical solution.

The most straightforward one is just to have another table of owners and dogs, with foreign keys to the owner and dog tables with the dog column UNIQUE NOT NULL. Then if you only want owners or owned dogs you do not have to involve IS NOT NULL in your queries and the DBMS does not need to access them among all owners and dogs. NULLs can simplify certain situations like this one but they also complicate compared to having a separate table and just joining when you want that data.

However, if it could become possible for a dog to have multiple owners then you might need the extra table anyway as many:many relationship without the UNIQUE NOT NULL column and the column pair owner-dog UNIQUE NOT NULL instead. You can always start with the one UNIQUE NOT NULL and move to the other if things change.


In the olden days of newsgroups, we had this guy called -CELKO- who would pop up and say, "There is a design rule of thumb that says a relational table should model either an entity or a relationship between entities but never both." Not terribly formal but it is a good rule of thumb in my opinion.

Is 'owner' (person) really an attribute of a dog? It seems to me more like you want to model the relationship 'ownership' between a person and a dog.

Another useful rule of thumb is to avoid SQL nulls! Three-valued logic is confusing to most users and programmers, null behavior is inconsistent throughout the SQL Standard and (as sqlvogel points out) SQL DBMS vendors implementation things in different ways. The best way of modelling missing data is by the omission of tuple in a relvar (a.k.a. don't insert anything into your table!). For example, Fido is included in Dog but omitted from DogOwnership then according to the Closed World Assumption Fido sadly has no owner.

All this points to having two tables and no nullable columns.


I wouldn't do any extra table. If for some reason no nulls allowed (it's a good question why) - I would, and I know some solutions do the same, put instead of null some value, that can't be a real key. e.g NOT_SET or so.

hope it helps


A nullable column used for foreign key relationship is perfectly valid and used for scenarios exactly like yours.

Adding another table to connect the owners table with the dogs table will create a many to many relationship, unless a unique constraint is created on one of it's columns (dogs in your case).

Since you describe a one to many relationship, I would go with the first option, meaning having a nullable foreign key, since I find it more readable.

