I want to measure/optimize the "cold boot" startup performance of an application, and it's difficult to do this without an actual reboot, which is obviously not an ideal solution.
Is there a way I could invalidate entire system's file cache, so that mapped page accesses actually cause a disk access, so that I can measure the time my program takes to start up?
I pretty much need FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME
's functionality, but for the system volume.
At least on Windows 7, it seems that attempting to open a volume handle without FILE_SHARE_WRITE
sharing permissions causes the file system cache to be invalidated, even if the creation fails.
Thus I made a program that simply calls CreateFile
to this end.
Base64 encoding of the program*:
// Usage: ClearCache C: D:
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int _tmain(int argc, LPTSTR argv[]) {
LPCTSTR DOS_PREFIX = _T("\\\\.\\");
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
LPTSTR arg = argv[i];
LPTSTR path = (LPTSTR)calloc(
_tcslen(arg) + _tcslen(DOS_PREFIX) + 1, sizeof(*arg));
__try {
if (_istalpha(arg[0]) && arg[1] == _T(':') &&
(arg[2] == _T('\0') ||
arg[2] == _T('\\') && arg[3] == _T('\0')))
{ _tcscat(path, DOS_PREFIX); }
_tcscat(path, arg);
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(path,
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); }
else {
DWORD le = GetLastError();
_ftprintf(stderr, _T("Error %d clearing %s\n"), le, argv[i]);
return le;
} __finally { free(path); }
return 0;
*Just for fun, see if you can figure out what the executable does by disassembling it. It's not your typical executable. :)
I've written a simple command-line utility to do that: FlushFileCache
It relies on the undocumented NtSetSystemInformation functions, and can flush the various other memory pools as well.
What David said. Create a large file, however many GB you need, and each time you want to reset your file cache, make a copy of the file. Then make sure you delete the old file.
So, create BIGFILE1.DAT, copy it to BIGFILE2.DAT, and then delete BIGFILE1.DAT (which removes it from the disk and the cache). Next time, just reverse the process.
Well, the other option is to take the files that are mapped, and copy them to new files, delete the old ones, and rename the new files back to the old ones. The cache is backed by a file. If the file "goes away" so does the cache.
If you can identify these files, and they're not shared by the system/other running programs, this should be simple to script and, ideally, run faster than copy 6G of files around.
You can use a VM and take a shapshot right after the VM boots. Resuming from a snapshot will be faster than a reboot.
This solution worked great: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7113153/913630
More specifically, I'm doing this:
auto hFile = CreateFile(path.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, nullptr);
/// check
//_tprintf(TEXT("Terminal failure: unable to open file \"%s\" for read.\n"), argv[1]);
cout << "error" << endl;
// close
// now open file with regular C++ API, and caching disabled
ifstream file(path, ios::binary | ios::ate);