Will visual studio 2010 express support addins?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-19 20:36:16


I know vs2008 express didn't. I'm hoping this will change with vs2010. Anyone know? Link me?


Anyone have a primary source? While "As far as I know" answers can be helpful, in this case it still leaves a possibility - which is exactly where I started.


I don't know, but I would guess that it would not. Microsoft wants to make money, and supporting ad-ins is one of the biggest reasons to pony up the dough for the standard edition. Ad-in support alone can replace a lot of the stuff that you pay for, like SVN and other source control integration, test framework integration, resharper, etc.


I know this is an old question, but it came up on a search for "Visual Studio 2012 Express Add-ins".

Here is a quote from a post by Ryan Molden (MSFT) on the Visual Studio forums:

"Express does not support AddIns. The reason it has the extension manager is that it supports project/item templates."

My experience is that the same applies to Visual Studio 2012 Express.


As far as I know, the policy regarding Add-In's and Express editions has not changed.

