Having referred to --> Javah error while using it in JNI
...and --> android - javah doesn't find my class
...I still can't get javah
to work. Specifically...
My java class is located here:
From this folder...
...I've tried running...
javah com.company.audio.LibDSP
javah -classpath . com.company.audio.LibDSP
javah -classpath /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/sdk/platforms/android-16/android.jar:. -jni com.company.audio.LibDSP
...I've also tried this from within the actual folder containing the .java
javah LibDSP
javah -classpath . LibDSP
All give the usual...
error: cannot access com.company.audio.LibDSP
class file for com.company.audio.LibDSP not found
javadoc: error - Class com.company.audio.LibDSP not found.
Error: No classes were specified on the command line. Try -help.
Any ideas?
Incidental verbose logs show something strange in the search path...
[ Search Path: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines....../Contents/Classes/charsets.jar//Applications/Android Studio.app/sdk/platforms/android-16/android.jar:. ]
Notice how there seems to be no separator for the ones added with -classpath
. I've tried pre-pending ":" and it makes no difference. I'm assuming this is a bug in the verbose output rather than the core functionality.
Got it! It needs the compiled class, not the source. Also, the class folder - ./build/intermediates/classes/debug
is hidden from the project in Android Studio.
This is the line that finally worked for me. From my module's root folder (/Users/HKS/Code/MusicPlayer-Android/dspLibrary/
javah -classpath /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/sdk/platforms/android-16/android.jar:./build/intermediates/classes/debug -jni -d src/main/jni -force com.company.audio.LibDSP
Note the -d
flag is the output folder, and -force
ensures it overwrites any existing files.