How to enable AutoStart option for my App in Xiaomi phone Security App programmatically in android

十年热恋 提交于 2019-11-27 06:49:35

Try's working for me. It will open the screen to enable autostart.

String manufacturer = "xiaomi";
        if(manufacturer.equalsIgnoreCase(android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER)) {
            //this will open auto start screen where user can enable permission for your app
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.miui.securitycenter", "com.miui.permcenter.autostart.AutoStartManagementActivity"));

Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger and few more popular apps are whitelisted by Xiaomi. Hence they get enabled by default. Other apps need to be enabled by users. We don't have any other option.

We need to programmatically detect the manufacturer using Build.MANUFACTURER in android and show a dialog which suggests the user to enable the app in AutoStart, if the manufacturer is Xiaomi
