$word = "Acrobat" (or Apple, Tea etc.)
How can I detect and echo the last vowel of a given word with php? I tried preg_match function, google'd for hours but couldn't find a proper solution.
There can be multibyte letters like ü, ö in the string.
Here's a multibyte safe version of catching the last vowel in a string.
$arr = array(
/* these are the ones I found in character viewer
in Mac so these vowels can be extended. don't
forget to add both lower and upper case versions
of new ones because personally I wouldn't rely
on the i (case insensitive) flag in the pattern
for multibyte characters.
$vowels =
'aàáâãāăȧäảåǎȁąạḁẚầấẫẩằắẵẳǡǟǻậặæǽǣ' .
'eèéêẽēĕėëẻěȅȇẹȩęḙḛềếễểḕḗệḝ' .
'iìíîĩīĭıïỉǐịįȉȋḭḯ' .
'oòóôõōŏȯöỏőǒȍȏơǫọøồốỗổȱȫȭṍṏṑṓờớỡởợǭộǿœ' .
// set necessary encodings
// and loop
foreach ($arr as $word) {
$vow = mb_ereg_replace('[^'.$vowels.']','',$word);
// get rid of all consonants (non-vowels in this pattern)
$lastVw = mb_substr($vow,-1);
// and get the last one from the remaining vowels
if (empty($lastVw))
// it evaluates this line when there's no vowel in the string
echo "there's no vowel in <b>\"$word\"</b>." . PHP_EOL;
// and vice versa
echo "last vowel in <b>\"$word\"</b> is " .
"<span style=\"color:#F00\">{$lastVw}</span>" . PHP_EOL;
Here's the output.
last vowel in "Apple" is e
last vowel in "Tea" is a
there's no vowel in "Strng".
last vowel in "queue" is e
last vowel in "asartä" is ä
last vowel in "nő" is ő
last vowel in "ağır" is ı
last vowel in "NOËL" is Ë
last vowel in "gør" is ø
last vowel in "æsc" is æ
$word = "Acrobat";
$vowels = array_intersect(str_split($word), array('A','E','I','O','U','a','e','i','o','u'));
echo array_pop($vowels);
function last_vowel($word) {
for ($i = strlen($word) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
switch (strtolower($word[$i])) {
case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'y':
return $word[$i];
return null;
echo last_vowel("Apple");
use the method str_split()
this will transform your string into an array then you can use the index of the array in finding the first and last letter of your string.
-Array[0] is the first letter *Array[total number of letters - 1] is the last letter.
After getting the first and last elements in the array, the mapping begins. eg: if(letter=="a"||letter=="A") echo "Apple";
and so on...
I would say Ed or Mark's answers are definitely more efficient, but if you want an example of a recursive function here it is:
$word = "stellar";
function lastVowel($word)
$vowels = array('a','e','i','o','u');
$letter = substr($word, strlen($word) - 1);
if(in_array(strtolower($letter), $vowels))
return $letter;
if(strlen($word) > 0)
return lastVowel(substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - 1));
return "no vowels";
echo lastVowel($word);
Mind you, there are better ways to do this. Just giving a specific example, not necessarily the "best" one.
I would personally use preg_match() for this task.
$arr = array(
foreach ($arr as $word) {
if (empty($m)) echo "there's no vowel in \"$word\".";
else echo "last vowel in \"$word\" is <b style=\"color:#F00\">{$m[0]}</b>";
echo PHP_EOL;
This will output
last vowel in "Apple" is e
last vowel in "Tea" is a
there's no vowel in "Strng".
last vowel in "queue" is e