Add some data in laravel paginate

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-18 21:17:35


As the tittle said, Here is my Controller

$book = Data::where('userId','1')->paginate(3);

return response()->json($book);

And get the json data like this:

data:[{id: 1, userId: 1, vendorId: 1, name: "Alfreda Berge PhD", phone: "1-850-813-5950 x96169",…},…]
next_page_url: "http:/localhost/XX/public/user/book/list/1?page=2"
// if I want to add a new column and value here ,what should I do? 

I tried to do this :

$book = Data::where('userId','1')->paginate(3);
$book->printWord = 'Hellow!';
return response()->json($book);

But, It seem will remove the column printWord. Any idea?


You can create collection with custom data manually and use merge() helper:

$book = Data::where('userId','1')->paginate(3);

$custom = collect(['my_data' => 'My custom data here']);

$data = $custom->merge($book);

return response()->json($data);

Just checked, it works just fine.


The paginate function will return an object of the type Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator, it is not possible to just add another field to this.

I think the best solution for you would be to add the pagination object and the other values in an array and convert this array to json. This way your books data is seperated from the other data you want to add.

Like so:

return response()->json([
    'books' => $books,
    'foo' => 'bar'

In this case your json object will look like this:

    books: {
        // Pagination object with books
    foo: 'bar'


You can also obtain data from your model using eloquent, for example, let say that each Data has a list of cars, books, and pets. Your Data model file should have a method that declares the "has many" relations with those classes, like below:

Data model file

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Data extends Model{

protected $table = 'data';

protected $fillable = [
    'id', 'user_id', 'vendorId', 'name', 'phone'

public function cars(){
    return $this->hasMany(Car::class);

public function books(){
    return $this->hasMany(Book::class);

public function pets(){
    return $this->hasMany(Pet::class);

Also, you must have the "belongsTo" method in every Car, Book, and Pet model.

Car model file

public function data(){
    return $this->belongsTo(Data::class);

Finally, to obtain your results paginated and with all the data related to cars, books, and pets, the implementation should be:

Method in your Controller

$data_elements = Data::where('userId','1')->paginate(3);

foreach($data_elements as $d){

return response()->json($data_elements);

I hope this alternative be useful for you or for some other developer!

