I am running a prediction on a tensorflow-serving model, and I get back this PredictResponse
object as output:
outputs {
key: "outputs"
value {
dtype: DT_FLOAT
tensor_shape {
dim {
size: 1
dim {
size: 20
float_val: 0.000343723397236
float_val: 0.999655127525
float_val: 3.96821117632e-11
float_val: 1.20521548297e-09
float_val: 2.09611101809e-08
float_val: 1.46216549979e-09
float_val: 3.87274603497e-08
float_val: 1.83520256769e-08
float_val: 1.47733780764e-08
float_val: 8.00914179422e-08
float_val: 2.29388191997e-07
float_val: 6.27798826258e-08
float_val: 1.08802950649e-07
float_val: 4.39628813353e-08
float_val: 7.87182985462e-10
float_val: 1.31638898893e-07
float_val: 1.42612295306e-08
float_val: 3.0768305237e-07
float_val: 1.12661648899e-08
float_val: 1.68554503688e-08
I would like to get the out the float vals as a list. Or, alternatively, return the value/index of the argmax float_val!
This is generated by:
stub = prediction_service_pb2.beta_create_PredictionService_stub(channel) result = stub.Predict(request, 200.0)
Thanks for your help in advance.
The answer is:
floats = result.outputs['outputs'].float_val
If you would like to convert the entire PredictResponse to a numpy array (including its dimentions)
<script src="https://gist.github.com/eavidan/22ad044f909e5739ceca9ff9e6feaa43.js"></script>
This answer is for tensorflow-serving-api-python3 1.8.0
result.outputs['your key name'].float_val #key name in your case is outputs
This will return a repeated scalar container object. Which can be passed to python list() or np.array() etc
You generally want to recover a tensor, with a shape (not just a long list of floats). Here's how:
outputs_tensor_proto = result.outputs["outputs"]
shape = tf.TensorShape(outputs_tensor_proto.tensor_shape)
outputs = tf.constant(outputs_tensor_proto.float_val, shape=shape)
If you prefer to get a NumPy array, then just replace the last line:
outputs = np.array(outputs_tensor_proto.float_val).reshape(shape.as_list())
If you don't want to depend on the TensorFlow library at all, for some reason:
outputs_tensor_proto = result.outputs["outputs"]
shape = [dim.size for dim in outputs_tensor_proto.tensor_shape.dim]
outputs = np.array(outputs_tensor_proto.float_val).reshape(shape)
should be a python list