Windows phone 8.1 Implement virtualization for Custom variable sized Gridview

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-18 09:38:52


I have implemented custom itempanel for gridview to support variable item height using this link posted by JerryNixon.My Custom panel supports 3 different sized template(depending on image dimension I am deciding which template to use).This custom Gridview should have pagination and it should support more than 200 items. Right now i could load only 50 items and it crashes because of out of memory exception event in 1GB device. Its one of the requirement in out project. I know when we implement custom itemspanel it losses default virtualization.

I have checked app. They have implemented variable sized Gridview template and performance is very good, i could load more than 200 items.

Is there any way i can implement virtualization for my custom items panel? I have no idea how we can implement virtualization.If anyone has implemented it please give us some ideas how to get started with this so that it will help us a lot.

I dont think wrappanel code is required to post. If its required i ll post it.

Please give some suggestions. It will be very helpful :). Thanks :)


To overcome out of memory exception just reduce the pixel width of the images and you will save the memory so that more items can be loaded in the page.

<Image Stretch="Uniform" Width="150" Height="170">
                            <BitmapImage UriSource="{Binding MainImage}" DecodePixelWidth="400"/>

The above code does the trick.


Finally we implemented virtualized custom grdiview by referring to the code posted in this link. Code given in the link is for virtualizing horizontal gridview. I changed the code a bit to change it to vertical gridview. Many thanks to the person who posted the code. It helped a lot

