I have some issues getting SSE working trough my zuul reverse proxy
My setup:
Spring boot version: 2.1.1.RELEASE
Spring cloud dependencies: Greenwich.RC1
Angular-cli: Angular 7
Kotlin: 1.3.11
os: Linux
I have a small rest service that uses SSE
class RestApplication {
private final val processor = DirectProcessor.create<Int>().serialize()
private final val sink = processor.sink()
private final val counter = AtomicInteger()
fun stream(): Flux<ServerSentEvent<Int>> {
println("Stream connected")
return processor.map { n -> ServerSentEvent.builder<Int>(n).build() }
fun sink() {
This works fine if my EventSource connects directly to it from my angular service:
const sse = new EventSource('http://localhost:8080/stream');
sse.onopen = (event) => {
console.log('OnOpen ' + event);
sse.onmessage = (event) => {
sse.onerror = (error) => {
If I hit the /increment endpoint the service receives sse events with incrementing values.
Now with this zuul config:
path: /rest/**
add-proxy-headers: true
add-host-header: true
Angular service updated to go via proxy:
const sse = new EventSource('rest/stream');
sse.onopen = (event) => {
console.log('OnOpen ' + event);
sse.onmessage = (event) => {
sse.onerror = (error) => {
Now my angular service, connects to the stream, waits for the default zuul timeout (10 seconds) then returns a 406 and reconnects. That is if i have no data.
If i have data in the sink, it connects to the sse stream and nothing happens as long as i am pushing data onto the stream. When I stop pushing data EventSource waits for zuul timeout (10 seconds) then receives all data on stream and disconnects/reconnects.
I am aware that zuul 1.x does not support SSE, but I was hoping the zuul bundeled with spring boot 2.1.1 would.
Anyone know?
The problem is you are using Zuul 1.x, even if you are using springboot version 2.x. I had the same problem and as it seems Spring Cloud Netflix will not support Zuul 2.x currently and in the future. So when you are using the spring cloud environment, i would suggest to switch to spring-cloud-gateway. I am using it with SSE and i am satisfied with the current solution. Another choice would be to switch over to Zuul 2.0 directly.