UIApplication.sharedApplication() is unavailable

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-18 07:36:42


I just upgraded from XCode 6.4 to Xcode 7 GM and get started to change the code to be compliant with Swift 2. I could not come over the following errors.

The project is a keyboard extension and the snippet is from the containing app.

    let s = "https://itunes.apple.com/"
    UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(NSURL(string : s)!)

Error 1: 'sharedApplication()' is unavailable: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.

Error 2: 'openURL' is unavailable.

This might be something to do with Xcode and AppDelegate, I might have screwed up my project.


While I was making a framework. I faced this problem. Manually set it to NO solved my problem.


You can't access every API from an extension. From Apple's Extension dev guide: Some APIs Are Unavailable to App Extensions

Because of its focused role in the system, an app extension is ineligible to participate in certain activities. An app extension cannot:

Access a sharedApplication object, and so cannot use any of the methods on that object

etc, etc.


Your target may have the "Allow app extension API only" option checked.

Check your target's general settings to see if that option is enabled in Deployment Info > App Extensions.


Swift 3.0

In my case I had this message inside a Widget (that's an extension), the code was a copy/paste from my app. And like Tom Roggero said I had to replace





The classes in containing app somehow went in to the compile resources list in the extension Build Phases. I deleted them, it is ok now.

I did not do that. Obviously upgrade to Xcode 7 GM process somehow did it.


Hi I solved this problem.

Set to Allow API Extension to No to particular framework who gives this e error like IQKeyboardManager

Consider you facing this issue for IQKeyboardManager and you installed this framework using Pod. Then your project click on Pod -> CLick on IqkeyboardManager.

And set Allow API Extension to No

